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Why use Hotel Discount Finder?

We're glad you asked...
  • No fees
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • Pay at hotel in most cases
  • We show all discounts
  • Prompt & personal customer service
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About Us

Market America has a 30-year track record of filling hotel rooms with printed publications and our digital platforms. Now, we're taking it a step further with Hotel Discount Finder by bringing travelers the ability to book their room online.

The rates found on Hotel Discount Finder are the absolute lowest available rates at hotels across the country. Whether you're looking for a room tonight or planning for an upcoming trip, you'll be able to find the cheapest way to stay by booking with us!

No Hidden Fees!

A lot of the other sites who claim to have the lowest price stick you with hidden fees after the fact. Not so with us, the price we quote is the price you pay!

We Have the Lowest Prices!

We guarantee that your quoted prices will be the lowest found anywhere! We show all rates, including special rates like AAA and AARP!

Pay at the Hotel!

In most cases you will not pay until you arrive at the hotel to check in! Your payment method at booking will not be charged and is only used to secure your reservation.